Dillon Cassidy's Top Improv Hunks of 2018

By Dillon Cassidy

Below is a short list of folks that work hard, are funny, kind, and are generally deserving of praise. While this is not the definitive list of hunks, it is my list. It was hard to make cuts to these hunks, but ultimately here we are; My Top Improv Hunks of 2018, in no particular order.

Trumane Alston

Let’s face it, before you opened this up - you knew. You all already knew Trumane would be on this list. The hottest commodity of 2018. I feel like anything I put in here y’all already know, but he’s very funny. Like really damn funny. Trumane’s always happy to see me, and kind enough to share a few words with me. Great dude. Funny friend. Amazing hunk. My first time meeting Trumane was at a Co-op show at CIC, and we had a good ol’ time.

Check out Trumane at his show Mental Recess on Wednesdays at 10PM at the Crowd, or really anywhere. He’s all over!

Corie Anderson

The epitome of hunk-itude. Corie is a firecracker onstage and off. Corie’s got a presence on stage that’s so fun to watch, an absolute show stealer. Beyond that, she’s a badass filmmaker and produced a short film this year. She also helps us with grant writing at the Crowd, for which I am forever thankful.

Check out Corie with her House Team Cozy at House Team Night, Fridays at 10PM at the Crowd!

Bryan Duff

Cats out of the bag - guess what, I greatly admire Bryan Duff. He has always been so kind and generous with his time. He also has done some of my favorite facebook bits of all time, and they will never receive the credit I think they deserve. I spent an embarrassingly long time trying to find the bits I’m thinking of, and let that be a testament to how funny they are. First time I saw Bryan perform had to be five or so years ago, at the mixer and I have enjoyed him ever since. I’ve seen him do numerous scenes in which he effortless sets the scene, and sets his scene partner up to slam dunk. A true hunk enables others to be hunks themselves. Morph Bots also rules.

Check out Morph Bots or his podcast, 15 Minutes with Lincoln!

Jules Morales

Wow. Jules is someone I am just so in awe of. It really feels like just a matter of time until she is whisked away to big things. I have never seen a show with her that she hasn’t crushed in a truly hunky way. She’s so damn funny! She’s one of those names that I see on a line-up and gets me really excited. She’s also been kind enough to DJ for us more than once. She also produces 10,000 Hours which is an awesome program for folks to learn, and to learn how to coach.

Jules is a bit hard to see because she’s TOURING all the time, but you may be able to catch her at Fishbowl at the Annoyance on Thursdays at 9:30.

Chris Hanley

This guy really goes the extra mile. The punk hunk version of George Bailey.  Chris has personally saved my butt more than once this year. He steps up all the time to lend a hand at the Crowd and it’s greatly appreciated - but apart from that, he produced an enormous amount of work this year. Chris is very funny. He’s got a unique voice that I envy.  I’ve seen him bring the house down so many times. He had this great bit this year about a bird sailor (you had to be there).

Check out Chris with his Crowd House Team Fiasco at House Team Night, Fridays at 10PM at the Crowd!

Michelle Castro

Michelle is such a good egg and also a classic hunk! I have had the privilege of coaching her for the last two years with her college team, the Loyola 45 Kings. She’s so dang funny - and in a way I don’t think anyone could begin to emulate. She’s the best kind of goofy, and is her unfiltered authentic self all the time. It’s honestly inspiring. She’s got a really infectious joyful energy. Basically, be on the lookout for her killing it on a stage near you sometime soon!

Catch Michelle with the 45 Kings at Loyola, or with  her House Team Cozy at House Team Night, Fridays at 10PM at the Crowd!