Places 2 Play at The Crowd

By Blair Britt

Looking for a way to get more stage time? Whether you’ve got a fresh team looking for show slots or you’re on your own trying to get more reps, the Crowd’s got you covered.

Below is a list of regularly-recurring shows that have open slots or other opportunities to get involved in. We are constantly renting out our space to other shows, and some of those producers have open slots too. If you’re ever wondering if a show books independent slots it’s always a good move to attend as an audience member first!

BYOT - Tuesdays at 10 PM

Bring Your Own Team is a long-standing tradition of the improv scene and we’ve got our very own version at the Crowd! Hosted by the gracious and cool Golden Emblem, BYOT is a great place to get up and perform in front of a warm and loving house. It costs just $5 for your whole team and everybody who shows up gets to play!

Skull Mountain - Thursdays at 8 PM

The second half of the Crowd’s alpine variety show offerings, Skull Mountain is hosted by the Fun Fun Boys and Nick Simon. They got music, they got sketch, they got stand up, they got improv, and oh boy do they have hosting bits galore. If you wanna play fill out their form here.

The Co-op - Fridays & Saturdays at 8 PM

Are you new to the city and looking for a place to perform? Been here a while and want to meet some new people to change it up a bit? The Co-op is all over it; every 3 months we make a bunch of teams that play together on a biweekly basis. We send out sign-ups a few weeks before each season starts, and if you wanna make sure you catch them you can sign up for our mailing list or follow us on Facebook.

Pitch us a show!

Got a good team and looking for an extra challenge? Why not pitch us a show? We’ve got rolling submissions at the Crowd for performance rentals, just email